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Book Lists for Adults


50 Shades of Waiting?

Have stories of steamy interludes piqued your interest? Are you curious about exploring sex, sexual desire, submission, domination, or just having some bedroom fun?


By the Bard

April 23rd, 2016 was the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death, and the 452nd anniversary of his birth. Here's a list of book titles that wouldn't exist without Shakespeare's having created a word!


Good Golly Great Gatsby!

Sparkling parties and dazzling dancers. The Roaring Twenties in full swing. Everything seemed possible with modern technology and everything that was old was new again!


A List from the Beyond

2016 was a rough year. We lost a number of musicians, artists, actors, and performers. Here are just a few items from the large volume of celebrity decedents. 


Remembrance Day: Based "Mostly" on a True War Story

 Here is a selection of war movies and the "true" story they're based on!


Stormtroopers, Superheroes, and Browncoats, oh my!

All things sci-fi, fantasy, horror, comic & pop-culture aficionados can celebrate!


Audiobooks for your Commute

Some fiction, some non-fiction, some teen fiction to make your commute fun & interesting. 


Books Edward Cullen Would Read

Explore the secret bookshelves of Edward Cullen, and discover a hidden stairwell to his soul.


Happy Merryneum!

Merryneum is the "official name" for the awkward time in between Christmas and New Year. A time where leftovers and eating pants reign if you celebrate Christmas, and where sales are decent if you don't. To honour this awkward in-between period, here's a list of awkward things to enjoy. 

Happy Merryneum!

A Little Nostalgia for your Holidays

With the popularity of things like Stranger Things, and the return of the Gilmore Girls, welcome to a list of nostalgia from the 80's, 90's, and 00's!


Remembrance Day:

In Fictional Remembrance

Fictional stories of war, loss, and Remembrance. 


A Totally Random Towel Day List

May 25th is Towel Day!

According to Hitchhiker's Guide, a towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. 

So Don't Panic, grab your towel, and these titles!

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Bond, James Bond!

In the mood for a martini, shaken not stirred? Or some Bond trivia or history? Here are 24 things you might not have known about James Bond!


Filthy Hobbitses & Preciouses

September 22nd is the Birthday of both Bilbo & Frodo Baggins. In honour of these two fine Hobbits, Tolkien fans annually celebrate by going barefoot, having seven meals, and throwing LotRs themed parties. 


The Hygge List

In the mood for a martini, shaken not stirred? Or some Bond trivia or history? Here are 24 things you might not have known about James Bond!


Pushing up Daisies

Pushing up Daisies is a list of cozy gardening mysteries to help you look forward to Spring! No matter what you may be digging up!


Remembrance Day: 

On the Home Front

War has such an all-encompassing impact, we hear about the soldiers and the men and women on the front lines, but what about their families at home desperate for news? What about the effects on countries' food and goods rationing, and the prevalence of the black market? What about the regular garden variety crime and criminals, they don't disappear just because people struggle to do their bit for King and country. 


Twenty Years of Harry Potter

July 31st is Harry Potter's Birthday!

In honour of his birthday, and the 20th Anniversary of Harry Potter enjoy!

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