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  • Writer's picturemisskleber

Loki’s Wolves – K.L. Armstrong & M.A. Marr (2014)

Loki’s Wolves is discount Percy Jackson, with Norse Mythology.

There is way less adult supervision (I know, I didn’t think that was possible either), way more illogical distances to travel, and 13 year olds willing sacrificed by their parents to stave off Ragnarok.

Though, to be fair, if you loved the Percy Jackson series and are looking for something to read, this might be for you.

A whole town where almost everyone who lives there is a descendant of some long distant Norse God or another.

Having cats aptly named Loki and Bifröst, and a dog named Odín, I am particularly fond of Norse mythology, but I found there wasn’t enough mythology and there was a little too much 13 year old boys beating their chests like little gorillas.

Also, I’m not really clear on where Blackwell, South Dakota is meant to be, and maybe it’s just because I’m from Canada where it takes awhile to get somewhere, but Mount Rushmore National Memorial to Deadwood is almost an hour and a half of highway driving. 

I’d also like to point out, yes they sneak on a bus… but the Mount Rushmore Monument is in a National Park, the closest possible town is four miles away (that is almost 6.5 kilometers).

I’d like to point out that walking from the West Edmonton Mall to the Telus World of Science is 6.6km, and would take 1.5hours. I’m not debating that a motivated group of 13 year old could absolutely walk 6.6kms, I’m just saying this is how caught up I got on this particular plot point, leading me to be frustrated about the whole darn thing.

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Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, April 2014 374 pages ISBN: 9780316204972 Suggested Reading Level: Grade 3-7

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