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Roald Dahl Website

Happy Roald Dahl Day!

In honour of this day, I am doing a review of the Roald Dahl website (50 ways to celebrate here!).

I really enjoy this website, there is a little bit of everything.

The “Buckswashling Book Chooser” is a colour wheel on which you can either pick your favourite colour, or let it spin randomly and will recommend the perfect Dahl book for you.

“Follow That Peach!” is a fantastic page which allows users to name and send a peach to a friend while tracking how far and how many hops that peach has made (5116 people have rolled peaches to a distance of  1,306,839 miles!).

The “Treats” section provides the requisite games and activities. But unlike most other children geared websites which I’ve been looking at, these games are largely very thought heavy, particularly the Wonkalator, for example is a calculator where you have to make your number match the formula number, the problem is, some of the keys stick, so you can’t just type the number in, you need to add, subtract, multiply, or divide your way to the answer.

“The Man” is a section all about Roald Dahl. This section offers an interview, a meet Roald Dahl section, a photo ablum, and tips for teachers, just to name a few.

The “Meet Roald Dahl” section is fantastic, you answer a question about him as a little quiz, and he in turn asks a question of you.

For teachers, offers an “Are you a Miss Honey, or a Miss Trunchbull” quiz, lesson plans, classroom activities, as well as an “Ask Miss Honey” section where questions which have been posed are answered by Miss Honey.

The website is a crisp and clean white background with lightly animated Dahl-esque drawings, making navigation clear and easy.

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